Training Cancelled Saturday Oct 23

The rain came as forecasted. Looking at the radar map it appears we will get some ice pellets and wet snow between 10:00 and noon as well. Given the low temperature and rain I am going to cancel all formal Club training this morning.  This does not mean that you can’t...

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COVID Update

ENSC will continue to implement and follow the latest restrictions outlined by provincial authorities. At this time, we can continue to train outside and strongly encouraged parents/athletes to use the following document for COVID screening prior to attending practice: COVID...

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Training This Week: August 23 to 29

Coming UP… Covid is on the RISE!!! As of now there have not been any new restrictions imposed, but let’s be prepared; they may be coming soon! Because Covid hasn’t gone away, we need to keep doing the following: Maintain 2m distance as much as possible Wash hands often Do not...

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