16th December 2018

As of noon today, Gold Bar – all trails renovated and tracked. Good / VG for both styles throughout. An alternate path has been groomed to avoid the snow making on the East side of the pond. Goldstick – Renovated from woodcutters to Esso Hill. good condition...

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Ski Swap and Training on Saturday

Just a reminder that the Ski Swap is this Saturday December 8th (tomorrow). It starts at 10:00 am. But wait, isn’t regular training also starting at 10:00 am? To accommodate this, and we know that many of you will want to go the Ski Swap, we will delay the start of...

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6th December 2018

As of 10am Gold Bar: Trails including Woodcutters have been Packed and Tracked. Good condition though soft. Some debris. Goldstick: Trails connecting to woodcutters packed and tracked . Intermittent tracks and grooming on the switchbacks. No grooming of the south loop...

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4th December 2018

The most recent snow and snowmaking has allowed for good coverage and track-setting in most areas. Grooming as of 4PM: Gold Bar: All trails including Woodcutters have been Packed and Tracked. Good condition though soft. Goldstick: Trails have been packed but the snow cover is...

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