10 events found.
Ski Waxing Clinic
Mike Stern will again be conducting more of his practical ski waxing clinics from the basement of his house. In these clinics you will be taught how to clean and […]
Adult Racing
Are you ready to bring your fitness to a new level? Do you want to fine-tune your racing skills? The Adult Racing (AR) program will focus on both physical and […]
NorAm/World Jr. U23 Champ Trials, QC
Mont Ste Anne, Quebec
Athabasca Loppet, Athabasca AB
Athabasca Nordic Ski Club, Athabasca, AB Contact: henrik_asfeldt@hotmail.com
Flight of the Crows Loppet, Crowsnest Pass
Crowsnest Pass X Country Ski Club Allison Chinook Ski Trails cnpcrosscountry@gmail.com
Calforex Cup #5, Camrose, AB
Camrose Biathlon Range Camrose, Alberta, CanadaCamrose Nordic Centre, Camrose AB
Teck BC Cup #2, Prince George BC
Prince George, BC
Tawatinaw Loppet
Tawatinaw, Westlock Nordic Contact: reintboelman@mcsnet.ca