Nipika Loppet (Nipika Mountain Resort, BC)
Nipika Mountain Resort, BC Nipika Mountain Resort & Toby Creek Nordic Club Find more information HERE
Nipika Mountain Resort, BC Nipika Mountain Resort & Toby Creek Nordic Club Find more information HERE
Are you ready to bring your fitness to a new level? Do you want to fine-tune your racing skills? The Adult Racing (AR) program will focus on both physical and […]
At this stage, athletes are already strong in fundamental ski skills, are establishing speed and strength as skiers and now are ready to integrate endurance and power into their ski […]
The focus with YD is to continue developing overall fitness and ski specific skills in the autumn dryland and winter snow months. YD is a comprehensive ski program that aims […]
Track Attack (TA) continues where Jackrabbits left off. Certified coaches will lead Track Attackers in developing their endurance, fitness, and fundamental ski basics in a fun environment of games and […]
Biathlon originated in Norway in the 1700s, as an alternative training for their military. The combination of cross-country skiing and small bore marksmanship was well-suited to training the Norwegian ski […]
The Jackrabbit Program is designed to introduce children aged 3 to 12 to the sport of cross-country skiing. It is structured in much the same way as Red Cross and […]
Are you ready to bring your fitness to a new level? Do you want to fine-tune your racing skills? The Adult Development Racing (AR) program will focus on both physical […]
The Jackrabbit Program is designed to introduce children aged 3 to 12 to the sport of cross-country skiing. It is structured in much the same way as Red Cross and […]
The Jackrabbit Program is designed to introduce children aged 3 to 12 to the sport of cross-country skiing. It is structured in much the same way as Red Cross and […]