Summer Training August 14 to 20

As we start thinking about Fall/Winter Program Start Up, here are Important Dates to mark on your calendars:

    • Rollerski TT – 2 x 5km at NE Bike Trail – Sunday Aug 27
    • Annual 6 Hour Distance Challenge – Sunday September 3
    • ENSC Fall/Winter Programs Start Up – Saturday September 9
    • Rollerski TT – 5km or 10km – Saturday Sept 16
    • ENSC Annual Capilano Fun Run – Saturday Sept 23
    • Fall Colours Rollerski Race – NE Bike Path – Sunday Oct 1
    • Hinton/Jasper Fall Camp – October 6-8
    • Frozen Thunder – October 27 to 29

This Week…At a Glance

I am away until Friday August 18. Training on Tuesday will be at Carl’s Torture Chamber in Sherwood Forest, no, Sherwood Park, (right by a forest…well, a grove of trees at least). We will classic rollerski on Saturday at Capilano (rained out last time we tried it). The plan is to do some longer climbing (even run a bit on the grass), as we prepare for some TT’s and eventually the rollerski race on Sunday Oct 1.

Check your TP for training specifics this week.

This week:

Monday – Zoom Strength w/Carl

Tuesday – Carl’s Studio in Sherwood Park

Wednesday – Middle to Long Distance  

Thursday – CL Technique by the Walterdale Bridge and Carl Strength 

Friday – Active Rest Day – Optional bike ride or brisk walk

Saturday – CL RS at NE Bike Path

Sunday – Long bike, run, or rollerski (or combination of these)

The Details:

Monday August 14: Online Strength

  • Pm – Zoom Strength W/Carl
    • Please register w/Carl to participate
    • Click HERE to contact Carl directly
    • When: 6:30 to 7:30 pm

Tuesday August 15:

  • When: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (Sherwood Park)
    • What: CL RS 
      • Warm Up: 20min: 10min Z1, 5min Mobility/Activation, 
      • Work out: 
        • It’s a SURPRISE (But I think you can imagine!)
      • Technique: CL RS

Wednesday August 16: Medium to Long Day

  • Long Distance Roller Ski or Bike Ride or Run
    • 2 hours
    • Training Zone: 1 to 2
    • RPE: 3-5
    • Bring food and drink!

Thursday August 17: Classic Technique (on your OWN) and Carl Strength

  • 6:30 to 8:00 pm
    • Work out: 
      • CL RS Technique followed by Strength by Carl
    • Where: Kinsmen Sports Centre

Friday August 18:

    • Active Rest Day
    • Walk, RS, run, or take the day off.

Saturday August 19: “Capilano Strides”

  • Where:  Capilano. Click HERE for location and directions
  • When: 10:00 am to 12 Noon
  • What: Medium Intervals
    • Warm Up – 20 min
        • Usual Warm up – include activation
        • 6-8 x 8 s Sprints w/52 active recovery
      • Work out: 
        • 5-8 x 6 min
  • Technique: CL RS
  • Bring: CL RS

Sunday August 20:

Looong Distance (Bike, run, or rollerski, or any combination thereof)

  • What: LSD Training – (Long “Speedy”, Distance)
    • “Speedy” means try to go fast but still stay in Zone 1/2. Ski, ride, or run efficiently and in control (keep a conversation going) if roller skiing
  • Technique: You choose
  • Bring: 
    • Extra food and drink