Training This Week: November 7th to 13th.

The snow kind of caught us off guard!! But here we are, skiing (many of us anyway)! But this week we will make it official; we are skiing…on snow! And because it will also be cold (colder than -15C on Tuesday and Thursday), I am suggesting we ski classic on those days and perhaps even CL on Saturday too…but coaches, you decide!

A reminder that the MAsters/Adult LL Camp is this coming weekend, and for the younglings, it is not too late to sign up for the Tawatinaw Camp đŸ˜Š

Coming UP

  • Master’s Lake Louise Camp – November 11-13
  • Tawatinaw Youth Camp (also Masters)- November 25-27
  • First Flakes Loppet – Saturday December 3
  • AB Cup 1/2 – December 10-11

This Week
At a Glance

Monday – Zoom Strength w/Carl

Tuesday â€“ Hawrelak Park AM group! Goldbar Park for PM group

Wednesday – Go medium length but go easy

Thursday – SWC AM group, Goldbar Thursday PM group

Friday â€“ Active Rest Day

Saturday – Goldbar Park (All)

Sunday â€“ Long, “Fast-ish” Zone1 Training 

The Details:

Monday November 7: Online Strength

Zoom Strength W/Carl

  • Please register w/Carl to participate
  • Click HEREto contact Carl directly

Tuesday November 8: Intensity on Foot

  • Who: Adult Masters Tuesday AM Group – w/Ray
  • Where: Hawrelak (Meet by the Pavilion)
  • Time: 10:00 am to 11:30 am
  • What: 
  • “Pre-Season” phase (NEXT 4 weeks)
    • Warm-up Routines 
      • Coach directed training
  • Who: All Groups Tuesday PM groups
  • Where: Goldbar Park
  • Time: 6:30 – 8:00 pm
  • What: 
  • “Pre-Season” phase (NEXT 4 weeks)
    • Warm-up Routines 
      • Coach directed training (Individual groups)
  • Youth Racers:
    • Fartlek
    • Warm Up: 20min: 10min Z1, 5min Mobility/Activation, 
    • Work out: 
      • Fartlek on skis (Classic)
      • RPE at 6-8.      
      • Technique: Classic 
      • Bring:  Classic gear, headlamp

Wednesday November 9: Medium Day

On Your Own:

  • Distance/Recovery Training Day
  • RS/Run/Ride 1.5 to 2 hrs at Z1 depending on your Training Plan and how the body feels!!! 
  • RPE of 3-5
  • Or Cross-country running race

Thursday November 10:

  • Who: Thursday AM Group – Adult Masters
  • Where: Strathcona Wilderness Centre – w/Ulf
  • Time: 10:00 am to 11:30 am
  • What:  Coach directed training
  • Technique: On foot w/Striding poles
  • Who: Thursday PM Group – Strength and Coordination
  • Where: Goldbar Park
  • Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
  • What: Â Coordination drills, and strength on skis
    • Warm Up: 10min: 
    • Work out: Strength w/Carl
    • When: 6:30-8:00 pm
  • Technique: CLASSIC Skiing – DP focus

Friday November 11: Active Rest Day – Travel to Lake Louise for those who are going).

  • Complete rest – (NO training) or active/recovery training.
  • I.E.  go for a walk or light run or ski, but keep it very, very light and short.

Saturday November 12:

  • Where: Goldbar Park
  • Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
  • Who: All Groups
  • What: â€œPre-Season” phase (NEXT 4 weeks)
    • Warm-up Routines 
      • Coach directed training (Individual groups)
  • Youth Racers:
    • 2 sessions at Canmore/Lake Louise (those that are going)
    • Those in Edmonton – to train w/YD’s
    • Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
    • Warm Up: 20min: 10min Z1, 5min Mobility/Activation, 
    • Work out: Getting used to skiing on snow
      • RPE at 7-8.      
      • Technique: CLASSIC Skiing on snow
      • Bring:  Classic ski Stuff

Sunday November 13: 

  • Long, controlled Distance or Recovery Day
  • Consider doing something slow, in control, and long. 1.5 to 3 hrs at Zone1 (conversational pace – 3 to 4 on the RPE scale). Think about going fast while still staying in Zone1!!