Training This Week: February 7 to 13

Cold last week, and plus degree weather this week, Birkie Week! Yes, the Birkie is this Saturday and as such there will be no formal ENSC training; we will be participating in the Canadian Birkebeiner!

Coming UP…

  • Canadian Birkie – Edmonton – Feb 11-13 2022
  • AB Cup 7/8 – Ft Mc Murray – February 19/20  
  • Mooseheart Loppet – Edson – February 26
  • Ole Uffda Loppet – Camrose – Feb 26
  • Cookie Race – Kananaskis – Feb 26
  • Masters World Cup – Canmore – March 3-11
  • AB Cup 9/10 – Drayton Valley – March 5/6
  • National Championships (Jr and Open) – Whistler, BC – March 20-27

This Week…At a Glance

Monday – Zoom Strength w/Carl

Tuesday – AM at SWC,  PM at Goldbar Park

Wednesday – Go medium length but go easy

Thursday – AM at SWC, PM at Goldbar – Strength Training on Skis!!!

Friday – Rest or Active Rest

Saturday – Training at Goldbar + Coach Session

Sunday – Long Slow Distance (LSD) Training!

The Details:

Monday February 7: Online Strength Session

Zoom Strength W/Carl

  • Please register w/Carl to participate
  • Click HEREto contact Carl directly

Tuesday February 8: 

AM Group

  • What: Longish Intervals for most or continuous ski if colder than-18 C or practice may be cancelled if icy and/or very cold
    • Warm Up: 20min: 5-10min Z1, 10min Mobility/Activation, 5min of Accelerations (5×10 sec accelerations with 50 sec easy recovery
  • Work out: According to your Coach

      Technique: Classic

PM Group

  • Where: Goldbar Park
  • Time: 6:30 – 8:00 pm
  • What: Longish Intervals for most or continuous ski if colder than-18 C or practice may be cancelled if icy and/or very cold 
    • Warm Up: 20min: 5-10min Z1, 10min Mobility/Activation, 5min of Accelerations (5×10 sec accelerations with 50 sec easy recovery)
    • Work out: According to your Coach 

      Technique: Classic

Wednesday February 9: Medium Day

On Your Own:

  • Distance/Recovery Ski/Training Day
  • Ski/Run/Ride 1.5 to 2 hrs at Z1 depending on your Training Plan and how the body feels!!! 
  • RPE of 3-5

Thursday February 10:

AM Group: Strength and COORDINATION 

  • Where: SWC
  • Time: 10:00 – 11:30 am
  • What:  Coordination drills, and strength on snow
    • Warm Up: 20min:  5-10min Z1, 10min Mobility/Activation, 5min of Accelerations
    • Work out: According to your Coach
    • When: 6:30-8:00 pm
  • Technique: Classic

PM Group: Strength and COORDINATION 

  • Who: Thursday Group
  • What: Coordination Drills, AND Strength on snow
    • Warm Up: 20min:  5-10min Z1, 10min Mobility/Activation, 5min of Accelerations
    • Work out: All out speed (overspeed or all out “can’t go any faster speed”: 2 sets of 4x (5 sec effort/2 min rest) 5 min between sets. Then Strength on skis slow double pole up hill, single arm, legs only
    • When: 6:30-8:00 pm
  • Where:  Goldbar
  • Technique: Classic

Friday February 11:

  • Active Rest Day 
  • Complete rest – (NO training) or active/recovery training.
  • I.E.  go for a walk or light run or ski, but keep it very, very light and short.

Saturday February 12: Birkie Saturday

  • Birkie Saturday – NO formal ENSC training
  • Where: Goldbar Park
  • Technique: Classic 
    • BRING (Also): Snack and drink and dry/warm change of clothes for afterwards

Sunday February 13: Long, Controlled, Distance Day (if you didn’t Birkie)

  • Consider doing something slow, in control, and long. 2 to 3 hrs at Zone1 (conversational pace – 3 to 4 on the RPE scale). Think about going fast while still staying in Zone1!!

See you Tuesday!