Training This Week: January 25 to 31

This Past Week!!

Quite a week we had!! Tuesday started off like any other. Gradually the wind picked up and then just before 7:30 it hit! Incredibly strong winds accompanied first with sideways rain that turned into snow, and lightning! The Goldbar lights went out momentarily and about the same time a huge tree fell on to the trail leading into the Retaining Wall Hill. In a matter of minutes the trails were decimated with debris, twigs, branches, leaves, and pine needles. We cancelled training then and there. A mad scramble to get home ensued.

The following day exposed the incredible aftermath of the micro-storm. The trails were un-skiable to say the least, but the resiliency and resourcefulness of ENSC and the ski community truly came to the fore and by Thursday evening, the entire trail network had been cleaned, raked, swept, and leaf-blown by an army of volunteers. Thank you to all who came out and was able to assist with this massive undertaking!!! By Saturday the trails were back in the very great shape we’ve come to expect this year!

If that wasn’t enough, winter came with a vengeance Saturday morning! Temperatures plummeted from just below 0C to -20C, seemingly overnight (wait, it was just over night!)! Despite this sudden drop, many smiling and rosy cheeked ENSC’ers were at Goldbar on Saturday; business as usual! A shout out to Dave and Paul for excellent grooming!!

AB Cups (Racing)

Reminder that AB Cups are now scheduled. See the revised schedule below:

  • February 20-21 Alberta Cup 1/2/&3 (formerly 7/8/&9) Fort MacMurray 
  • February 26-27 Alberta Cup 4/5 (Formerly 3/4) Canmore
  • March 6-7 Alberta Cup 6/7 (Formerly 5/6) Red Deer
  • March 27-28 Alberta Cup 8/9 (Formerly 1/2) Canmore

Whether the races can be held is still uncertain but we will move forward with our training as though they will.

Coming UP…

  • *REMINDER* – We will need to bring and wear masks/face coverings to training
  • Don’t forget to fill in the “COVID” Checklist!!
  • Nordic Throwdown Sprint – January 2 to January 31 – Virtual Races at SWC
    • Register and ski the 2.5 SK Sprint self-timed event
    • Still a few days left to do this.

This Week…

…looks a lot like the other weeks. 

  • Monday
    • Zoom Strength w/Carl
  • Tuesday – Regular Training at Goldbar
  • Thursday – Regular Training at Goldbar
  • Saturday – Goldbar Park

Monday January 25:

  • Zoom Strength W/Carl
    • Please register w/Carl to participate
    • Click HERE to contact Carl directly

Tuesday January 26:

  • Who: All Programs 😀
  • Where: Goldbar Park (Meet outside the Pavilion)
  • Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
  • What: 
    • All Groups
    • Warm Up (5/5/5 and to include activation and mobility)
    • Sprints/accelerations
    • Intensity workout
    • Technique:
      • CLASSIC – but If in doubt, bring both sets of equipment. 
    • Bring: Face covering (mask or Buff) a drink belt, CLASSIC gear Some warm clothes for after!!

Wednesday January 27: 

  • Distance/Recovery Ski/Training Day
  • Ski/Run/Ride 1.5 to 2 hrs at Z1 depending on your Training Plan

Thursday January 28:

  • Who: Thursday Night Program
  • Where: Goldbar Park (Meet outside the Pavilion)
  • Time: 6:30 to 8:00 pm
  • What: 
    • Strength/Drills/Coordination Training
      • Strength on Skis:
      • Legs only
      • Upper Body Only
      • Uphill Double Poling
      • ETC.
    • Technique:
      • CLASSIC – but If in doubt, bring both sets of equipment. 
    • Bring: Face covering (mask or Buff) a drink belt, CLASSIC gear. Some warm clothes for after!!

Friday January 29:

  • Active Rest Day
  • Complete rest – (NO training) or active/recovery training.
    • I.E.  go for a walk or light ski, but keep it very, very light.

Saturday January 30:

  • Who: All Programs 😀
  • Where: Goldbar Park (Meet outside the Pavilion)
  • Time: 10:00 am to 12 noon
  • What: 
    • All Groups
    • Coach Driven Training:
      • Warm Up (5/5/5 and to include activation and mobility)
      • Sprints/accelerations
      • Intensity workout
    • Technique:
      • Group Specific (check with your coach) – but If in doubt, bring both sets of equipment. 
    • Bring: Face covering (mask or Buff) a drink belt, SKATE or CLASSIC gear Some warm clothes for after!!

Saturday January 31:

  • Long slow Distance (LSD)
  • Consider going to SWC for a distance ski.