Training This Week: January 18 to 24

Hello All

AB Cups (Racing)

Good news on the racing front. Nordiq Alberta has announced that they are trying to salvage the racing season. Over the last few weeks, Nordiq Alberta has been working closely with the Organizing Committees of our Alberta Cups to develop a revised Calendar. As case numbers decline in Alberta, we hope that restrictions will ease enough for us to host our events safely.  Please see a revised schedule below:

Whether the races can be held is still uncertain but we will move forward with the thought and expectation that they will.

February 20-21 Alberta Cup 1/2/&3 (formerly 7/8/&9) Fort MacMurray 

February 26-27 Alberta Cup 4/5 (Formerly 3/4) Canmore

March 6-7 Alberta Cup 6/7 (Formerly 5/6) Red Deer

March 27-28 Alberta Cup 8/9 (Formerly 1/2) Canmore

Coming UP…

  • *REMINDER* – We will need to bring and wear masks/face coverings to training
  • Don’t forget to fill in the “COVID” Checklist!!
  • NEW* – COVID-19 influenced ski and trail etiquette and protocols 
  • Nordic Throwdown Sprint – January 2 to January 31 – Virtual Races at SWC
    • Register and ski the 2.5 SK Sprint self-timed event
    • Still lots of time to do this.

This Week:

Warmer weather early this week would suggest we SKATE on Tuesday and Thursday. Saturday is uncertain but we may switch to CLASSIC; stay tuned.

  • Monday
    • Zoom Strength w/Carl
  • Tuesday – Regular Training at Goldbar
  • Thursday – Regular Training at Goldbar
  • Saturday – Goldbar Park

Monday January 18:

  • Zoom Strength W/Carl
    • Please register w/Carl to participate
    • Click HERE to contact Carl directly

Tuesday January 19:

  • Who: All Programs 😀
  • Where: Goldbar Park (Meet outside the Pavilion)
  • Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
  • What: 
    • All Groups
    • Warm Up (5/5/5 and to include activation and mobility)
    • Sprints/accelerations
    • Intensity workout
    • Technique:
      • SKATE – but If in doubt, bring both sets of equipment. 
    • Bring: Face covering (mask or Buff) a drink belt, SKATE gear Some warm clothes for after!!

Wednesday January 20: 

  • Distance/Recovery Ski/Training Day
    • Ski/Run/Ride 1.5 to 2 hrs at Z1 depending on your Training Plan

Thursday January 21:

  • Who: Thursday Night Program
  • Where: Goldbar Park (Meet outside the Pavilion)
  • Time: 6:30 to 8:00 pm
  • What: 
    • Strength/Drills/Coordination Training
      • Strength on Skis:
      • Legs only
      • Upper Body Only
      • Uphill Double Poling
      • ETC.
    • Technique:
      • SKATE – but If in doubt, bring both sets of equipment. 
    • Bring: Face covering (mask or Buff) a drink belt, SKATE gear Some warm clothes for after!!

Friday January 22:

  • Active Rest Day
  • Complete rest – (NO training) or active/recovery training.
    • I.E.  go for a walk or light ski, but keep it very, very light.

Saturday January 23:

  • Who: All Programs 😀
  • Where: Goldbar Park (Meet outside the Pavilion)
  • Time: 10:00 am to 12 noon
  • What: 
    • All Groups
    • Coach Driven Training:
      • Warm Up (5/5/5 and to include activation and mobility)
      • Sprints/accelerations
      • Intensity workout
    • Technique:
      • Group Specific (check with your coach) – but If in doubt, bring both sets of equipment. 
    • Bring: Face covering (mask or Buff) a drink belt, SKATE or CLASSIC gear Some warm clothes for after!!

Sunday January 24:

  • Long slow Distance (LSD)
  • Consider going to SWC for a distance ski.