Training This Week: December 14 to 20

Coming UP…

  • NOTE: As of December 13, 2020 ALL outdoor sports programs have been put on hold for a minimum of 4 weeks. As such, until we hear from Nordiq Alberta, there will be  NO ENSC programming until January 13th at the earliest. Nordiq Alberta to make an announcement December 14th if the outdoor exemption will apply to us.
  • *REMINDER* – We will need to bring and wear masks/face coverings to training
  • NEW* – COVID-19 influenced ski and trail etiquette and protocols 
  • Nordic Throwdown – Dec 5 to Dec 27 Virtual Races at SWC
    • Register and ski 5 or 10 km SK or CL self-timed events (more info below)
  • December Distance Challenge
    • Rack up the kilometres in December
  • Christmas/Holiday Break – December 23 to January 2
  • Look for Club Technique Days during the Holiday Break

This Week… 

  • Monday
    • Zoom Strength w/Carl
  • Tuesday All Program Groups – Goldbar Park (Under the Lights) 
  • Thursday – Am Group and PM Group
    • AM Group – Adult Day-Training Group
      • Details to Come – SWC?
    • PM Group at Goldbar.
      • Adults – Drills/Technique on Skis
      • Youth – Variety of Strength/Drills/Technique
  • Saturday
    • Regular Programming at Goldbar

Monday December 14:

  • Zoom Strength w/Carl (Additional Cost – not part of regular programming)
  • 6:30 – 7:30 (Session Full)

Tuesday December 15:

  • Who: All Programs 😀
  • Where: Goldbar Park (Meet outside the Pavilion)
  • Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00
  • What: 
    • All Groups
    • Warm Up (5/5/5 and to include activation and mobility)
    • Sprints/accelerations
    • Intensity workout
    • Technique:
      • SKATE – but If in doubt, bring both sets of equipment. 
    • Bring: Face covering (mask or Buff) HEADLAMP, a drink belt, SKATE gear Some warm clothes for after!!

Wednesday December 16: 

  • Distance/Recovery Ski/Training Day
  • Ski/Run/Ride 1.5 to 2 hrs at Z1 depending on your Training Plan

Thursday December 17:

  • AM: Adult Day Training Starts
    • Who: Adult Racers/Development Day Group
    • Where: TBD
    • When: 10:00 am to 11:30 am
    • What: TBD
    • Technique: TBD
    • Bring: Yourself!
  • PM: Thursday Drills/Technique 
    • Who: Thursday Drills/Technique Group
    • Where: Goldbar
    • When: 6:30 to 8:00
    • What: Mobilization, Coordination, and Technique work
    • Technique: SKATE 
      • Adults w/Wietske – Ski – technique TBD
      • Youth w/Ulf – CL Technique
      • Youth w/Ember – Technique TBD
    • Bring: Face covering (mask or Buff) A Headlight and wear appropriate clothing and training equipment, and a change of clothes for after (Remember it gets COLD after you stop your training).

Friday December 18:

  • Active Rest Day
  • Complete rest – (NO training) or active/recovery training.
    • I.E.  go for a walk or light ski, but keep it very, very light.

Saturday December 19:

  • Where: Goldbar Park
  • Time: 10:00 am to 12 Noon
  • What: Skiing Technique TBD
    • Coach Directed Intensity
    • Technique  – TBD by coach
    • Warm Up (5/5/5 and to include activation and mobility)
    • Sprints
    • Intensity workout (fun part!! 😀)
  • Bring: Check w/Coach, but a drink belt, appropriate ski equipment, and a change of clothes (at least a dry shirt). It’s cooler out now…Winter is HERE😊)

Saturday December 20:

  • Long slow Distance (LSD)
  • Consider going to SWC for a distance ski.