Training This Week: October 12 to October 18

  • Monday
    • Zoom Strength w/Carl – Not too late to sign up. See below
  • Tuesday at Hawrelak Park (Parking Lot closest to Pedestrian Bridge)
    • All Program Groups
  • Thursday – Am Group and PM Group
    • AM Group – Adult Day Training Group
      • Details to Come
    • PM Group at Kinsmen Fitness Centre
      • Adults – Drills/Technique on Roller Skis
      • Youth – Variety of Strength/Drills/a GameπŸ€”? πŸ˜€
  • Saturday
    • All Programs – Edmonton Ski Hill
    • Youth Racers – 5km TT at NE Bike Path

Monday October 12:

  • Zoom Strength w/Carl (Additional Cost – not part of regular programming)
    • 6:30 – 7:30
    • $65 for 10 Sessions or…
    • $7.50 per Session
    • Sign Up via ENSC Google Form (Ask Lead Coach for link – will send out link)
    • You will receive instruction for payment and then get a ZOOM link to join.

Tuesday October 13:

  • Who: All Programs πŸ˜€
  • Where: Hawrelak Park (Parking Lot closest to Pedestrian Bridge)
    • Click HERE for location and directions
  • Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00
  • What:
    • All Groups
      • Coach Directed Intensity
        • Warm Up (5/5/5 and to include activation and mobility)
        • Sprints
        • Intensity workout
    • Bring: Check w/Coach, but include a HEADLAMP, a drink belt, striding poles, and a change of clothes (at least a dry shirt). It gets cool once the sun sets…and it’s DARK too now 😳!

Wednesday October 14:

  • Distance/Recovery Ski/Training Day
    • Ski/Run/Ride 1.5 to 2 hrs at Z1 depending on your Training Plan

Thursday October 15:

  • AM: Adult Day Training Starts
    • Who: Adult Racers/Development Day Group
    • Where: TBD
    • When: TBD
    • What: TBD
    • Technique: TBD
    • Bring: Yourself!
  • PM: Thursday Drills/Technique
    • Who: Thursday Drills/Technique Group
    • Where: Kinsmen Park (First Parking Lot closest to Walterdale Bridge)
    • When: 6:30 to 8:00
    • What: Mobilization, Coordination, and Technique work
    • Technique: SK Roller Skis for Some and Running Shoes for Others
    • Bring: A Headlight and wear BRIGHT AND REFLECTIVE clothing, appropriate training equipment, and a change of clothes for after (Gets cool when the sun goes down)

Friday October 16:

  • Active Rest Day
    • Complete rest – (NO training) or active/recovery training.
      • I.E. go for a walk or bike ride but keep it very, very light.

Saturday October 17:

  • Who: All Groups
  • Where:Β Edmonton Ski Hill/Gallagher Hill – meet by the Outdoor Rink
    • Click HERE for location and Directions
  • Time: 10:00 am to 12 Noon
  • What:
    • Coach Directed Intensity
    • Warm Up (5/5/5 and to include activation and mobility)
    • Sprints
    • Intensity workout (fun part!! πŸ˜€)
  • Youth Racers: CANCELLED
    • 5 km SK RS TT
    • NE Bike Path – Click HERE for location and Directions
  • Bring: Check w/Coach, but a drink belt, striding poles, and a change of clothes (at least a dry shirt). It’s getting cooler out now…Winter is Coming 😊)

Sunday October 18:

  • 1 to 2 hrs Long Slow Distance – LSD (Refer to your Training Plans)
  • Add 4-6 sprints of 10-15 seconds after 30-40min. Spread these out over the course of the workout.