Summer Training: August 24 to August 30

Coming UP:

  • NOTE: This is the LAST Week of Summer Training. There will be NO formal training the week and half of August 31 to September 8
  • Fall Programs start on Saturday September 12
  • Group Training
    • Monday AM – Youth Technique Work
    • Monday PM – NO Adult Zoom Strength
    • Tuesday at Edmonton Ski Club (Gallagher Hill – by outdoor rink)
      • MWC 2021 and Youth
    • Thursday at Kinsmen Fitness Centre – meet by the tennis court
    • Saturday
      • Adult Roller Ski Group – Kinsmen Fitness Centre
      • MWC 2021 – Kinsmen Fitness Centre
      • Summer Program – Kinsmen Fitness Centre

Monday August 24:

  • Youth
    • Technique work at Kinsmen – CLASSIC
    • 9:00 am
  • Zoom Strength PM

Tuesday August 25:

  • Who: Summer Program and WMC 2021 😀
  • Where: Edmonton Ski Hill – Gallagher Hill – meet by the outdoor rink
  • Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00
  • What:
    • MWC 2021 and Summer Program
      • Warm Up (20-25 min to include activation)
      • 10x10s Sprints
      • Various ski striding and bounding exercises and drills
    • Bring: Running Shoes and striding poles

Wednesday August 26:

  • Distance/Recovery Ski/Training Day
    • Ski/Run/Ride 1.5 to 2 hrs at Z1 depending on your Training Plan

Thursday August 27:

  • Who: Summer Strength Program
  • Where: Kinsmen Park (By the tennis Courts)
  • When: 6:30 to 8:00
  • What: Mobilization and Coordination/Strength Training w/Carl
    • Kenyan Foot Dance etc.
  • Technique: Running Shoes
  • Bring: Appropriate training equipment and a change of clothes for after

Friday August 28:

  • Active Rest Day
    • Complete rest – (NO training) or active/recovery training.
      • I.E. go for a walk or bike ride but keep it very, very easy.

Saturday August 29:

  • Adult Roller Ski Group – LAST Formal session!!
    • Where: Kinsmen Fitness Centre
      Time: 8:30 to 9:45
      What: CLASSIC Roller ski
      • Continuation of CL technique
      • Cake and Coffee? (Need your feedback)
  • Summer Program
    • Where: Kinsmen Fitness Centre
    • Time: 10:00 to 12 noon
    • What: Classic Roller ski
      • Intensity Training
        • Pyramid
          • 2-3 (1min, 2min, 3min, 2min, 1min) w/2min R
    • Bring: Classic Roller Ski stuff
  • MWC 2021
    • Where: Kinsmen Fitness Centre
    • Time: 10:00 am to 12 Noon
    • What: Moose Hoofs w/poles
      • Warm UP (20 min)
      • Ski Bounding Drills with and without poles – 20 min
      • Moose hoofs w/poles
      • Z3 – no lactate build-up
  • Ski Striding w/Poles
  • Cool down
    • Bring: Running shoes, drinkbelt, and striding poles,

Sunday August 30:

  • 1.5 to 2.5 hrs LSD (Refer to your Training Plans)
  • Add 4-6 sprints of 10-15 seconds after 30-40min. Ensure you have 2-3 min active, slow movement between efforts.