Wietske Eikelenboom
Group(s) that you coach/instruct: Lead Coach Masters Development and Racing groups
Highest level of coaching training: Learn to Train NCCP
Favourite place to ski: Sovereign lakes, BC
Your skiing idol: Maya McIsaac-Jones, World Cup skier from Athabasca, AB
Wietske has been Lead Coach for the Masters Development and Racing group for 8 years while passing on her passion for cross country skiing and competing. Like many other athletes, she started taking ENSC lessons as her children became better skiers, progressed to the training group and onto the racing group. She competes in events from local loppets to the Masters World Cup level and is keen to take as many of her athletes to these races. Her goal is to help every cross-country skier be the best they can be. She works as a Public Health Nurse in St Albert and competes in triathlon in the summer.