Track Attack

Track Attack

TRACK ATTACK: Learn to Train 1 (L2T 1) – Cross-Country & Biathlon Track Attack (TA) continues where Jackrabbits left off. Certified coaches will lead Track Attackers in developing their endurance,

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Youth Development

Youth Development: Train-to-Train 1 (YD: T2T 1) – Cross-Country and Biathlon    The focus with YD is to continue developing overall fitness and ski specific skills in the autumn dryland and

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Youth Racing

Youth Racers (YR) Cross-Country & Biathlon – Learn to Compete (L2C) At this stage, athletes are already strong in fundamental ski skills, are establishing speed and strength as skiers and

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Biathlon Bears

Biathlon Bears

Biathlon Overview: Biathlon originated in Norway in the 1700s, as an alternative training for their military. The combination of cross country skiing and small bore marksmanship was well-suited to training

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