Training This Week: January 22 to 28

This Week…At a Glance

Week 19 of Fall/Winter Training! 

Great Skiing at Gold Bar

Some fantastic snow making and snow farming continues to go on! We can finally ski! A BIG shout out to Daniel Smith, Anders Lax, Paul Zimmermann, Andrei Petrov, and Ed Heacock!! We will continue to snow farm this week in preparation for our AB Cup 5/6!!

NO Formal training at Goldbar This Weekend

ENSC is hosting AB Cup 5/6 this coming Saturday and Sunday. As such there will be no formal training (due to the races using all trail). We encourage one and all to participate in one way or another: race, volunteer, or come out and cheer on and support those who are racing.

Volunteers Needed for Monday Evening

We will do a final snow farming push tomorrow (Monday) evening and we need everyone (who can) to come out and help move snow!!

    • Meet at the Gold Bar Pavilion at 5:45 pm
    • Bring snow floats, shovels, and toboggans
    • We will farm snow until about 8:30 pm

Warming Up:

Single digit temperatures this week (still minus until the weekend). We need to farm snow before the temperatures get too warm; then it may be too late. Please consider volunteering tomorrow evening (see above).

Training Sites This Week: The following are our training sites:

    • Monday – Gold Bar Park – Work Party
    • Tuesday – Gold Bar Park
    • Thursday – Gold Bar
    • Saturday – Gold Bar Park

Important Dates Coming up…

    • AB Cup 5/6 – Edmonton – January 27-28
    • AB Cup 7/8 – Red Deer – February 3-4
    • Canadian Birkie – Blackfoot Area – February 10
    • World Cup Races in Canmore – February 9 to 14
    • Alberta Winter Games – Grande Prairie – February 16-19
    • Cookie Race – Kananaskis – February 24

This week:

Monday – Zoom Strength w/Carl – New Year’s Day

Tuesday – Gold Bar 

Wednesday – Middle to Long Distance Z1

Thursday – Strength and Technique on snow!! – Goldbar

Friday – Active Rest Day – Optional ski, indoor bike ride, or brisk walk

Saturday – All Programs Cancelled – Race at Goldbar (AB Cup 5)

Sunday – AB Cup 6 at Gold Bar Short to Medium bike, run, or ski (or a combination of these) Z1 

The Details:

Monday January 22: Online Strength

  • Pm – Zoom Strength W/Carl
    • Please register w/Carl to participate
    • Click HERE to contact Carl directly
    • When: 6:30 to 7:30 pm

Tuesday January 23: 

AM – Where:  (Nola or Wietske to confirm)

  • When: 10:00 am to 11:30 am
  • What: Week 19 Winter Session
    • Warm Up Routine (5-5-5 and 5) about 25 minutes
    • Workout:
      • Coach Lead
    • Skiing at Gold Bar?
      • Yes…Ski at Gold Bar
  • Bring: SK ski equipment, Drink belt
    • Backpack for after the training:
  • PM – Where:  Gold Bar
  • When: 6:30 to 8:00 pm
  • What: Week 19 of Fall Season
    • Warm Up Routine.
    • Workout: Individual groups and Coach Lead 
    • Technique: SK Ski
    • YR’s – Skate Skiing at GOLD Bar
      • SK Ski- Usual Warm-up
        • Include 6-8 x 10s Sprints
      • Technique Work (Mostly) and Long Intervals 
        • 5-8 x 5min of Aerobic Intervals w/2min Active rest
        • Z3
        • RPE -3-5
  • Bring:  
    • HEADLAMP to see where you are going!! Going to definitely need one!!
    • Drink belt (just in case)
      • Pack a Backpack with warm and dry clothes

Wednesday January 24: Medium to Long Day

  • Long Distance Ski or Bike Ride or Run
    • Up to 2 hours
    • Training Zone: 1 to 2
    • RPE: 3-5
    • Bring food and drink!

Thursday January 25:

AM – Where:  (Nola or Wietske to confirm)

  • When: 10:00 am to 11:30 am
  • What: Week 18 Winter Session
    • Warm Up Routine (5-5-5 and 5) about 25 minutes
    • Workout:
      • (Nola or Wietske to confirm)
  • Technique:
    • Ski at Gold Bar
  • Bring: Ski Equipment Drink belt
    • Backpack for after the training

PM – Who: 3 or 4 day Participants

  • Where:  Gold Bar
  • What: Strength, Agility, and Technique on Skis 
  • When: 6:30 to 8:00 pm 
  • Work out: 
      • Technique Focus with emphasis on balance and being comfortable on skis.
      • SK Ski

Friday January 26:

            • Active Rest Day
            • Walk, RS, run, or take the day off.

Saturday January 27: AB Cup 5 – Gold Bar Park – NO FORMAL TRAINING

Sunday January 28: AB Cup 6 – Gold Bar Park


“Looong Distance” (Bike, run, or, ski, or any combination thereof)

  • LSD Training – (Long “Speedy”, Distance)
    • “Speedy” means try to go fast but still stay in Zone 1/2. Ski, ride, or run efficiently and in control (keep a conversation going).
    • Up to 3.5 hours
  • Technique: You choose
  • Bring: 
    • Extra food and drink