Training This Week: November 15 to 21

Covid Update

The State of Public Health Emergency is still in effect in Alberta. Maybe some of us (many of us even) are becoming somewhat complacent, maybe too used to COVID-19, that we have become lax. COVID was and remains “real”, and because we are vigilant, and because we (those who are eligible) are double vexed, and because we meet and training outside, we have remained fairly unscathed by this pandemic. But we must remain vigilant in our individual and collective efforts to avoid contracting COVID 19 and prevent its spread. Relent not; lest we be complacent!

We need to remember to follow the restrictions below:

These restrictions came into Sept 16, and requires that we do the following:

  • If not already, get vaccinated. I repeat, GET vaccinated!
  • Wash hands often
  • Maintain 2 m physical distancing
  • Wear a mask in all indoor public settings, and wear a mask when we meet for our pre and post talks.
  • If feeling sick and/or have COVID or cold-like symptoms, stay home.
  • Those Vaccinated: Indoor private social gatherings are limited to a single household plus one other household to a maximum of 10 vaccine-eligible, vaccinated people and no restrictions on children under 12.

Coming UP…

Snow is on its way, and we may be skiing already on Tuesday!! Stay tuned.

  • First Flakes Loppet – Sat Nov 27 – Capilano or Goldbar
  • On-Snow Hinton Camp – December 4
  • On-Snow L2T coaching course – December 10-12
  • AB Cup 1/2 – Dec 18/19 – Canmore
  • Troll in the Wilderness (SWC) – Jan 1 2022

ENSC Clothing

Although the ENSC Store that gave up to 35% discount is now closed, please know you can still order any item in the Store and you will receive a 20% discount (from suggested retail).

This Week…At a Glance

Almost ready to Ski!!

Monday – Zoom Strength w/Carl

Tuesday – All Groups Training – Goldbar Park

Wednesday – Own training – Go medium length but go easy

Thursday – NOTE: Strength Training W/Carl only on Thursday

Friday – Rest or Active Rest

Saturday – All Groups – Training in Edmonton – Goldbar/Capilano

Sunday – Long Slow Distance (LSD) Training!

The Details:

Monday November 15:

Zoom Strength W/Carl

  • Please register w/Carl to participate
  • Click HERE to contact Carl directly

Tuesday November 16: Intensity – Maybe Skiing?? Stay tuned.

  • Who: All Programs
  • Where: Goldbar Park
  • Time: 6:30 – 8:00 pm
  • What: Longish Intervals for most. According to your Lead Coach 
    • Warm Up: 20min
      • 5-10min Z1, 10min Mobility/Activation, 5min of Accelerations
    • Work out:
    • According to your Lead Coach
  • Technique: Skiing or Running/On Foot (likely or according to your Lead Coach)
  • Bring: Pole striding stuff (always bring the poles “Just in Case”)

Wednesday November 17: Medium Day

On Your Own:

  • Distance/Recovery Ski/Training Day
  • Ski/Run/Ride 1.5 to 2 hrs at Z1 depending on your Training Plan and how the body feels!!! 
  • RPE of 3-5

Thursday November 18: Strength and COORDINATION (Where? Stay Tuned!!)

  • Who: Thursday Group
  • What: Coordination Drills, AND Strength w/Carl…Or on Snow (skiing – TBD)
  • When: 
    • 6:30 to 7:00 Coordination Drills 
    • 7:00 to 8:00 Strength w/Carl
  • Where:  Kinsmen Park (Behind the tennis courts)? Stay Tuned
  • Technique:
    • Strength Stuff
  • Bring: Purpose to “Be” there…in running shoes!

Friday November 19:

  • Active Rest Day or Travel to Lake Louise
  • Complete rest – (NO training) or active/recovery training.
  • I.E.  go for a walk or light run or rollerski, but keep it very, very light.

Saturday November 20:

  • Where and What: Goldbar Park – SKATE Skiing (on snow)?
  • Time: 10:00 am to 12 noon am 
  • What: 
    • Warm Up: 20min
      • 5-10min Z1, 10min Mobility/Activation, 5min of Accelerations
    • Work out:
    • Determined by your Lead Coach
  • Technique and Bring:
    • Maybe Skiing (on snow) TBD…or
    • Ski Striding w/poles (always bring them). Could be different if your Lead Coach has other plans for you!!
    • Snack and drink and dry/warm change of clothes for afterwards

Sunday November 21: Long, Controlled, Distance Day

  • Consider doing something slowish, in control, and long. 2 to 3 hrs at Z1 (conversational pace – 3 to 4 on the RPE scale). Think about going as fast as you can while still staying Z1!!