Hello All
Gerhardt Klann
First and foremost!! Congratulations to Gerhardt Klann for being voted Nordiq Alberta Coach of the Year. He has consistently led the TA group both in training and at races. He is an inspiration to his skiers and other coaches and I couldn’t think of a more deserving recipient of this prestigious award. Well done Gerhardt!
ENSC #1 Small Club at AYC
The ENSC contingent at AYC (led by Gerhardt Klann, Anders Lax, and Lindsey Adams, and Adam Pojasok) took home the Aggregate Title for #1 Small Club at the Championships!! Congratulate;tions to the 16 TA and Yd skiers who attended!!!
We are (fast) approaching the “end of snow” for this season. As such we will be day to day going forward, although the cooler temperatures look very favourable for holding regular training this week (Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday).
Training Sites This Week: The following are our training sites:
- Monday – Zoom Strength w/Carl
- Tuesday – Gold Bar Park
- Thursday – Gold Bar Park
- Saturday – Gold Bar Park
Important Dates Coming up…
- National Championships, March 16-23, Canmore
- Sovereign to SilverStar, April 5 and 6, Vernon, BC
This week at a Glance:
Monday – Zoom Strength w/Carl
Tuesday – Gold Bar Park
Wednesday – Middle to Long Distance Z1
Thursday – Gold Bar Park – Technique, Drills, Thrills, and Skills (NO Spills)
Friday – Active Rest Day – Optional ski, bike ride, or brisk walk
Saturday – Gold Bar Park
Sunday – Distance Training
The Details:
Monday March 10:
Online Zoom Strength W/Carl
- Please register w/Carl to participate
- Click HERE to contact Carl directly
- When: 6:30 to 7:30 pm
Tuesday March 11:
- Where: Gold Bar Park Click HERE for location and directions
- When: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
- What: Typically we train intensity on Tuesdays
- Skiing
- Technique: Suggesting SKATE
- RPE: 7-8
- Bring: Ski equipment
- NOTE: Headlamps are mandatory!!
- YR (U18+)
- Workout
- WUp, 25min
- Retaining Wall at MAS.
- At the top settle into Z4 until you reach
- Herringbone Hill, then back to MAS until you are back at the stadium.
- 3-5 x 5min w/3min active R.Intensity: Cover all training zones
- RPE: 8-9
- Cool down
- Bring: Skis, boots, poles
- Technique: Skate
- NOTE: Headlamps are mandatory!! We need these to see on 50th St.
- Workout
Wednesday March 12:
- Long Distance Ski or Bike Ride or Run
- Up to 1.5 to 2 hours
- Training Zone: 1 to 2
- RPE: 3-5
- Bring food and drink!
Thursday March 13:
- Where: Gold Bar Park
- What: Drills, Strength, and Technique
- Training Starts: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
- Workout: Ski Technique and Strength as well as drills
- Partner Strength
- Drills (individual and in pairs)
- Technique: Skate
- NOTE: Headlamps are mandatory!! We need these to see on the trails now!
Friday March 14:
- Active Rest Day
- Walk, RS, run, or take the day off.
Saturday March 15:
- Where: Gold Bar Park
- When: 10:00 am to 12 noon
- What: Intensity/Endurance Training
- Technique: Suggest Skate
- RPE: 7-8
- Bring: SKATE Ski equipment
- NOTE: Bring hydration and change of clothes
Sunday March 16:
“Looong Distance” (SKI, Indoor Bike, run, or any combination thereof)
- LSD Training – (Long “Speedy”, Distance)
- “Speedy” means try to go fast but still stay in Zone 1/2. Focus on getting comfortable on your skis before going too fast. Gradually increasing your speed as you maintain control (can glide and effectively get over your skis)
- From 2 to 3.5 hours
- Technique: You choose
- Bring:
- Extra food and drink