Summer Training This Week: July 15 to July 21

Summer Training This Week: July 15 to July 21

Training Sites This Week: The following are our training sites:

    • Monday – Zoom Strength w/Carl
    • Tuesday – Gallagher Hill
    • Thursday – Carl’s Studio
    • Saturday – NE Bike Path

Important Dates Coming up…

    • Rollerski TT’s – 2 x 5km – Saturday July 20

This week at a Glance:

Monday – Zoom Strength w/Carl

Tuesday – Gallagher Hill – Ski Walk/Stride

Wednesday – Middle to Long Distance Z1

Thursday – Carl’s Studio – Sprint/Speed work

Friday – Active Rest Day – Optional rollerski, bike ride, or brisk walk

Saturday – NE Bike Path (CL and SK)

Sunday – Distance Training

The Details:

Monday July 15: Online Strength

  • Pm – Zoom Strength W/Carl
    • Please register w/Carl to participate
    • Click HERE to contact Carl directly
    • When: 6:30 to 7:30 pm

Tuesday July 16: 

Gallagher Hill (by the outdoor rink) Click HERE for directions

When: 10:00 to 12 noon

  • What: “Ski Walking/Striding”
    • Warm Up Routine.
      • Include Sprints
    • Workout: 
      • 10-15 x Gallagher Hill
      • Technique: Ski Striding w/poles
    • Training Zone: 2
    • RPE: 6
  • Bring: Striding Poles and running shoes…and hydration

Wednesday July 17: Medium to Long Day

  • Long Distance RollerSki or Bike Ride or Run
    • Up to 1.5 to 2 hours
    • Training Zone: 1 to 2
    • RPE: 3-5
    • Bring food and drink!

Thursday July 18:

  • Where: Carl’s Studio (Sherwood Park) Click HERE for location and directions
  • What: ERG Work
  • Training Starts: 6:30 to 8:00 pm
  • Workout: “Longer to Shorter”
    • Usual Warm-up
      • Think 5-5-5 and 5
      • Include 10 x 10s Sprints w/50s Active Rest
    • Specifics: Ski, Bike, and Rowing Erg
    • Training Zone: 3/4
    • RPE: 7-9
  • Bring:  
    • Indoor Running Shoes
    • Drink belt
      • Pack a Backpack with warm and dry clothes

Friday July 19:

            • Active Rest Day
            • Walk, RS, run, or take the day off.

Saturday July 20: NOTE the earlier start time.

Where:  NE Bike Path (17th Street) Click HERE for directions

When: 08:00 to 10:00 

  • What: “2 x 5km TT”
    • Warm Up Routine.
      • Include Sprints
    • Workout: 
      • 5km CL RS TT + 5km SK RS TT
      • Technique: CL plus SK
    • Training Zone: 4
    • RPE: 8
  • Bring: CL and SK Rollerskis (if you have them)

Sunday July 21:

“Looong Distance” (Bike, run, or, rollerski, or any combination thereof)

  • LSD Training – (Long “Speedy”, Distance)
    • “Speedy” means try to go fast but still stay in Zone 1/2. Ski, ride, or run efficiently and in control (keep a conversation going).
    • From 2 to 3.5 hours
  • Technique: You choose
  • Bring: 
    • Extra food and drink