1st Snow Farming Dugnad


As per Ulf’s email below, we need to touch up the trails with some snow farming this Thursday from 6:30 to 8:00 PM!

As you know, our AWG Orange Crush Trials race is this Saturday. Any and all can register; you don’t have to be an AWG potential skier (I think I will enter). It’s a good way to simply get race experience, and to practice the process (read: experiment). Click HERE to register. Click HERE for more info!
On a related note, in order to hold the event on Saturday we need to do some trail work. As such we will be fixing up and “Farming Snow” on Thursday, instead of skiing. Bring a shovel and work gloves, and if you have a large toboggan, bring it too. You may want to bring your ski stuff to try out the trails after! 😊


We also have a Dugnad Crew! … and here is their call to action:

Andrei and Connor are calling for a Snow Farming Dugnad Thursday during Training from 6:30 to 8:00 PM.
Attached are some photos of thin spots we need to cover. Please bring your metal garden shovels and large toboggans if you have them. The artificial snow is too hard for plastic shovels, so we need metal (steel or aluminum) garden shovels to break up the snow piles, and large toboggans to move the snow. The club is trying to bring over a couple of large toboggans from the biathlon range but we could use more, if available. The club does not have proper metal shovels, so please bring some!
Please pass this call to action on to anyone you think can help!
Keep Calm and Dugnad On!!
What’s a Dugnad, you ask? A dugnad is a Norwegian word which basically covers any volunteer work carried out as team effort! You pronounce it by starting with “dew” (or “due”) and then add the “g” and it becomes “dewg”. Add “nod” (as in, “…nod your head for yes!”) and you have “dewg-nod” (dugnad). 😀