Training This Week: January 23 to 29

AB Cup 5/6 – Saturday January 21 and Sunday January 22

Congratulations to the ENSC AB Cup 5/6 Organizing Committee for putting on an excellent set of races!! I received so much feedback from skiers saying how much they enjoyed the racing and the venue; they had so much fun. Beckie Scott and Sara Renner were there and reminisced about the many AB Cup races they raced here in their much younger years! And they were now here to support their own kids!

What an amazing turnout of ENSC skiers. Approximately 135 ENSC skiers registered!! By far the biggest number of ENSC racers at an AB Cup that I can remember! Over 50 U8’s and U10’s navigated the Skills Course today (a modified 1.35 km Light Blue Course) that had them slalom up a hill and then ski through hoops on the way down before completing the course. 

The “bigger kids” and adult’s races were mainly on the Woodcutters and 50th Street loops. A huge effort from our members made it possible to ski on pristine tracks both on Saturday and Sunday. I don’t think I have seen the trails in this good shape. It goes to show that we can truly have great skiing in Edmonton, but are reminded that our trails need regular “work” in the form of snow farming, and the like, in order for us to ski on well groomed trails.

While we are used to skiing on these trails, feedback from out of towners reminds us of unique they are and we were told how much they liked the variety; the turns, the twists, the changes, the ups and downs.

As most of us were either getting ready to race the AB Cup or helping prepare for the race, Alison Mackie and Adam Walker were competing for a spot at trials for the World Junior Cross Country Ski Championships. The qualifying races were held in Prince George (BC) this past week and after three races, Alison did indeed make the team. She will proudly represent the “red and white” in Whistler in two weeks. Congratulations Alison!!!

We have tremendous momentum right now in the Club; let’s keep this going. 

Coming UP… 

  • ENSC Training at SWC on Saturday January 28 2023
  • Westerns – Feb 3/4 (Kimberley, BC)
  • Canadian Birkie – Feb 10-11 (Blackfoot Area)
  • AB Cup 7/8 – February 17-18 (Red Deer)
  • Cookie Race – February 24 (Peter Lougheed Park)
  • National Championships – March 11 to 17 (Thunder Bay)

This Week…At a Glance

Monday – Zoom Strength w/Carl

Tuesday – AM Masters Group at SWC, PM All Groups at Goldbar

Wednesday – Go medium length but go easy

Thursday – AM Masters Group at SWC, PM Thursday Groups at Goldbar

Friday – Active Rest Day

Saturday – ENSC Training at SWC

Sunday – Own Training  – Go long and easy (not necessarily slow)  

The Details:

Monday January 23: Online Strength

Zoom Strength W/Carl

  • Please register w/Carl to participate
  • Click HEREto contact Carl directly

Tuesday January 24:

  • Who: Adult Masters Tuesday AM Group
  • Where: SWC
  • Time: 10:00 am to 11:30 am
  • What: 
    • Warm-up Routines 
      • Coach directed training
    • Technique: Up to Your Coach
  • Who: All Groups Tuesday PM groups
  • Where: Goldbar Park
  • Time: 6:30 – 8:00 pm
  • What: 
    • Intensity – Fartlek or similar (recovery “intensity’ from the AB Cup races fro those who raced on the weekend)
    • Usual warm-up routines (20 minutes or so)
    • Intensity that focusses on Birkie Training (for most)
      • Suggest – 2-4 x 8min Z3 that includes a lot of double poling and short hills (both up an own)
    • Youth Racers
    • Usual warm-up routines (20 minutes or so)
    • Intensity that focusses on training for Westerns
      • Work out: 
        • Pyramid (Short lap that is 2 minutes or so on varied terrain)
        • 2-4 x (1lap/2 laps/3laps/2 laps/1lap/30s) approximately 1 minute between efforts
      • Technique: SKATE
        • Bring:  SKATE skis, headlamp

Wednesday January 25: Medium Day

On Your Own:

  • Distance/Recovery Training Day
  • Ski/Run/Ride 1.5 to 2 hrs at Z1 depending on your Training Plan and how the body feels!!! 
  • RPE of 3-5

Thursday January 26:

  • Who: Adult Masters Tuesday AM Group
  • Where: SWC
  • Time: 10:00 am to 11:30 am
  • What: 
    • Warm-up Routines 
      • Coach directed training
    • Technique: Up to Your Coach
  • Who: All Groups Tuesday PM groups 
  • Where: Goldbar Park
  • Time: 6:30 – 8:00 pm
  • What: Drills, Spills, and Acrobatics (or Strength on Skis)
    • Warm Up: 20min: 10min Z1, 5min Mobility/Activation, 
    • Work out: 
      • Technique: SKATE
      • Bring:  SKATE skis, headlamp

Friday January 27: Race activation day

  • Active Rest Day
  • Walk, ski, run, or take the ay off.

Saturday January 28:

  • Where: SWC (Note we are training at Strathcona Wilderness Centre)
  • Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
  • What: Intensity – Long Intervals
    • Warm Up: 20min: 10min Z1, 5min Mobility/Activation, 
    • Work out: 
      • 3-5 x 10 minutes (Suggest Moose Loop) w/ 2min rest between efforts
      • 30 minute post workout cooldown
    • Technique: Classic
    • Bring:  CLASSIC skis, headlamp

Sunday January 29: 

  • LSD Training – (Long “Speedy”, Distance)
    • “Speedy” means try to go fast but still stay in Zone 1/2. Ski efficiently and in control (keep a conversation going)