Mar. 26, 2022 Trails/Grooming

XC skiing lives on for another weekend – thanks to the 2-3 cm of fresh snow that we got here in the park overnight.  The team was out packing and grooming the new snow for skating.  Unfortunately there is not enough depth for a classic track. 

We continue in spring skiing mode now – expect icy/hard/fast mornings, look for a possible sweet spot of the trails softening to ideal spring conditions as the temperatures bridge onto the plus side, then slushy/wet conditions once temperatures are above about 5C, especially in sun exposed areas, with ice forming in melted areas, particularly in the shade and when temperatures start to cool in the late afternoon and evening.  Most low spots on the trails have had water accumulation that are either ice or puddles/small lakes depending on time of day and temperature. 

Overall, faster/harder trails with areas of ice and glazing under the fresh layer of snow.  Downhills and uphills icy.  Also, expect ice patches, slush, and water patches under the fresh snow and areas where the snow is getting carved out by little streams of melt water.  Use caution. 

Goldbar:  2 way trail, tree line, woodcutters, Hadhirgaan and the North-most trail of the Northshore all groomed for skate.  Bumps are melting through to the grass in places. Water pooling in low areas – ice or puddles, use caution.  Watch for areas of grass and asphalt starting to show through in places.  

Capilano:  Not groomed last night.  Look for the sweet spot of timing your ski, as the sun reaches the trails and they soften somewhat.  Expect ice flows/puddles where water was pooling in lower areas. 

Goldstick: Significant ice flows and icy trails. Not Groomable and Not Skiable – Not recommended.

Southloop:Significant ice flows and icy trails.  Not Groomable and Not Skiable – Not recommended. 

Happy trails from your Edmonton Nordic Grooming Team