Training This Week: September 13 to 19

Coming UP…

  • Hinton Dryland Camp (YR’s) – September 24 to 26
  • ENSC/Nordiq AB/FastTrax Roller ski Race – October 1
  • Frozen Thunder – October 29 to 31
  • Lake Louise Camp – November 12 to 14
  • First Flakes Loppet – Sat Nov 27
  • AB Cup 1/2 – Dec 18/19

Covid continues to RISE in Alberta!!! We are trending dangerously close to numbers that last year had us fall under heavy restrictions. We need to prepare for similar measures soon. But as of now there are still no new restrictions imposed that affect our operations directly; we congregate outside, but let’s be prepared; they may be coming soon!

And because Covid hasn’t gone away, we need to keep doing the following:

  • Maintain 2m distance as much as possible
  • Wash hands often
  • Do not share equipment
  • Stay home if feeling sick or have COVID like symptoms

This Week…At a Glance

Week #1 of the Fall/Winter programs Acclimatization Training


  • Zoom Strength w/Carl

Tuesday – All Groups Training – “Acclimatization Training – first 2 weeks ” – Hawrelak 


  • Own training – Go medium length but go easy


  • Coordination and Drills
  • In-person Strength Training W/Carl

Friday – Rest or Active Rest

Saturday – All Groups – Continue w/acclimatization training – Goldbar

  • Variety of Training 
  • Running Intensity w/poles

Sunday – Long Slow Distance (LSD) Training!

The Details:

Monday September 13:

Zoom Strength W/Carl

  • Please register w/Carl to participate
  • Click HEREto contact Carl directly

Tuesday September 14: Intensity

  • Who: Summer Program 
  • Where: Hawrelak – Meet at parking lot by the Pedestrian Bridge
  • Time: 6:30 – 8:00 pm
  • What: Longish Intervals for some, Acclimatization Training for most
    • Warm Up: 20min
      • 5-10min Z1, 10min Mobility/Activation, 5min of Accelerations
    • Work out:
    • According to your Lead Coach
  • Technique: Running/On Foot
    • This will be either double poling or 1-SK Intensity
  • Bring: Pole striding stuff (always bring the poles “Just in Case)

Wednesday September 15: Medium Day

On Your Own:

  • Distance/Recovery Ski/Training Day
  • Ski/Run/Ride 1.5 to 2 hrs at Z1 depending on your Training Plan and how the body feels!!! 
  • RPE of 3-5

Thursday September 16: Strength and COORDINATION 

  • Who: Summer Program Participants (Last day of Summer Program)
  • What: Coordination Drills w/Ulf AND Strength w/Carl
  • When: 
    • 6:30 to 7:00 Coordination Drills 
    • 7:00 to 8:00 Strength w/Carl
  • Where:  Kinsmen Park (Behind the tennis courts)
  • Technique:
    • Strength Stuff
  • Bring: Purpose to “Be” there…and running shoes!

Friday September 17:

  • Active Rest Day
  • Complete rest – (NO training) or active/recovery training.
  • I.E.  go for a walk or light run or rollerski, but keep it very, very light.

Saturday September 18:

Week #1 of Fall/Winter Program

  • Where: Goldbar (main parking lot)
  • Time: 10:00 am to 12 noon am 
  • What: 
    • Training according to your Lead Coaches
    • Week 1 of acclimatization training
    • Introductions and familiarization of different training modes
    • Expect Light Training
      • Intro to Warm-up Routine
      • Intro to training modes – Ski Striding, strength, different training types
  • Technique and Bring:
    • Ski Striding w/poles (always bring them). Could be different if your Lead Coach has other plans for you!!
    • Snack and drink for afterwards

Sunday September 19: Distance Day

  • Consider doing something slow and long. 2 to 3 hrs at Z1 (conversational pace – 3 to 4 on the RPE scale)