Coming UP…
- The 3 weeks of adhering to the New Restrictions is up – WE ARE BACK IN BUSINESS!!
- Group training will resume on Tuesday June 1
- Restrictions apply but these are similar to the ones we have been adhering to all winter:
- Outside training
- In groups of 10 or less
- Masks to be worn when giving instruction
- Maintain 2m physical distancing
This Week…
- MondayZoom Strength w/Carl
- Tuesday – Group Training – “Long Intensity (Threshold)”
- Wednesday – Own training – go medium length but go easy
- Thursday In-person Training W/Carl
- Friday – Rest or Active Rest
- Saturday – Adult Rollerski followed by Summer Group Training: “Finding our Max HR!”
- Sunday – Go loooong with LOW HR!
Monday May 30
- Zoom Strength W/Carl
- Please register w/Carl to participate
- Click HERE to contact Carl directly
Tuesday June 1: Intensity
- Who: Summer Program
- Where: Hawrelak Park (Parking Lot closest to pedestrian bridge)
- Time: 6:30 – 8:00 pm
- What:
- Warm Up – Warmup to include all 5 training zones (start w/Z1 and move through each one)
- Follow up w/sprints/slow to fast accelerations WITH SKI POLES!!!
- Intensity workout – 2-3 x 8min (30s on/30s off) w/2 min Active R
- RPE of 7-8
- Warm Up – Warmup to include all 5 training zones (start w/Z1 and move through each one)
- Technique:
- Running Intervals
Wednesday June 2: Medium Day
- Distance/Recovery Ski/Training Day
- Ski/Run/Ride 1.5 to 2 hrs at Z1 depending on your Training Plan and how the body feels!!! RPE of 3-5
Thursday June 3: Strength and COORDINATION
- Who: Summer Program Participants
- What: Coordination Drill AND Strength W/Carl
- When:
- 6:30 to 7:00 Coordination Drills
- 7:00 to 8:00 Strength w/Carl
- Where: Kinsmen Park (Behind the tennis courts)
- Technique:
- Strength Stuff
- Bring: Bring a sense of purpose…and running shoes!
Friday June 4:
- Active Rest Day
- Complete rest – (NO training) or active/recovery training.
- I.E. go for a walk or light run or rollerski, but keep it very, very light.
Saturday June 5: “Let’s Find Our Max HR!”
- Who: Summer Program
- Where: Gallagher Hill (Parking lot by the Outdoor Rink)
- Time: 10:00 am to 12 Noon
- What:
- Warm Up – We will continue to work with finding “our perfect warm-up”. Keep in mind how the warm up is working, or not working for you. You will need to fine tune this so that you have the absolute right warm up that works for you!
- Intensity workout – Finding Our MAX HR
- 5-8 x 2-3min Repeats at overspeed on gradual uphill.
- We will take you HR at end of every 3min effort
- We will repeat this until your HR stabilizes (doesn’t keep rising)
- 9-10 on RPE scale
- Technique:
- Running
- Bring: A sense of purpose to this training. It will be hard because you are running almost all out for up to 3minutes with very little rest in between. The purpose of the training is to establish your MAX HR, so the last two or three will require focus! Think about why you are doing this training. Focus and prepare as though this is an important race!!!!
Sunday June 6:
- Consider doing something slow and long. 2-2.5 hrs at Z1 (conversational pace – 3 to 4 on the RPE scale)