Suggested Training This Week: May 17 to 23

Coming UP…

  • 3 weeks of adhering to the New Restrictions – Week #2
    • No update on whether the restrictions will last longer
    • So, No formal or group training
    • Ulf to post suggested training one week at a time
  • Skate Rollerski Rental
    • Saturday May 22
      • Kinsmen Park – behind tennis Courts Click HERE for location and directions
      • 9:30 am to 10:00am
      • Fill out the Rollerski request from first – Click HERE to access the form.
  • If this weeks Suggested Training looks familiar it is because it is basically the same as last week. And next week will likely be very similar also.

This Week…

  • Monday
    • Zoom Strength w/Carl
  • Tuesday – On your own – think intensity
  • Wednesday – Own training – go medium length but go easy
  • Thursday 
    • Zoom Strength w/Carl
  • Friday – Rest or Active Rest
  • Saturday – Creatively training on your own – but think intensity
  • Sunday – Go loooong and slow!

Monday May 17

  • Zoom Strength W/Carl
    • Please register w/Carl to participate
    • Click HERE to contact Carl directly

Tuesday May 18: Intensity

  • Who: Summer Program 
  • Where: Your decision!
    • Choose “flat-ish terrain” – focus more on speed
  • Time: That best suits you.
    • Total time “at intensity” (no more than Z3) is 25-35 min. RPE of 7-7.5
  • What: 
    • Warm Up – We met twice this spring and focused on the warmup. Please continue this. Make sure you ALWAYS do a thorough and thoughtful warmup before going hard.
      • Warmup to include all 5 training zones (start w/Z1 and move through each one)
      • Follow up w/sprints and slow accelerations
    • Intensity workout – Fartlek
      • This week and next we will stick to Fartlek Intensity 
        • Vary the length and duration of harder efforts
        • The recovery phase should be when you feel you are sufficiently “recovered” to go again. 
        • You want to feel somewhat fresh when doing these, even when done, so DO NOT “bury yourself”. 
        • Rather, go at a “comfortably hard pace”, meaning you have a gear or two to spare.
        • Duration can be anywhere from 30 s to 3-4 minutes…
        • It’s a train as you feel, “play with your speed”
    • Technique:
      • I would suggest running, but this can be done on rollerskis, or the bike (road or MTB) as well
    • Bring: Your rollerskis if you are going to rollerski 😁!

Wednesday May 19: Medium Day

  • Distance/Recovery Ski/Training Day
  • Ski/Run/Ride 1.5 to 2 hrs at Z1 depending on your Training Plan and how the body feels!!! RPE of 3-5

Thursday May 20: Strength and COORDINATION

  • Who: Summer Program Participants
  • Zoom Strength W/Carl
    • 6:30 to 7:30
    • NOTE: The intensity and purpose of Thursday Night Strength will be dialled up somewhat from Monday night.
  • Please register w/Carl to participate
    • Click HERE to contact Carl directly
    • Technique:
      • Strength Stuff
    • Bring: Bring a sense of purpose!

Friday May 21:

  • Active Rest Day
  • Complete rest – (NO training) or active/recovery training.
    • I.E.  go for a walk or light run or rollerski, but keep it very, very light.

Saturday May 22:

  • Who: Summer Program 
  • Where: Your decision!
    • Choose more varied/different terrain from Tuesday (slightly hilly).
  • Time: That best suits you. 
    • Total time “at intensity” (no more than Z3) is 25-35 min. RPE of 7-7.5
  • What: 
    • Warm Up – We met twice this spring and focused on the warmup. Please continue this. Make sure you ALWAYS do a thorough and thoughtful warmup before going hard.
      • Warmup to include all 5 training zones (start w/Z1 and move through each one)
      • Follow up w/sprints and slow accelerations
    • Intensity workout – Fartlek
      • This week and next we will stick to Fartlek Intensity 
        • Vary the length and duration of harder efforts
        • The recovery phase should be when you feel you are sufficiently “recovered” to go again. 
        • You want to feel somewhat fresh when doing these, even when done, so DO NOT “bury yourself”. 
        • Rather, go at a “comfortably hard pace”, meaning you have a gear or two to spare.
        • Duration can be anywhere from 30 s to 3-4 minutes…
        • It’s a train as you feel, “play with your speed”
    • Technique:
      • I would suggest do something different from Tuesday. If you ran on Tuesday, then think MTB or something else, on Saturday. But running is ok too. 
      • Bring: A sense of purpose to this training. Think about why you are doing this training. Focus and think about what you will be doing!!!

Sunday May 23:

  • Consider doing something slow and long. 2-2.5 hrs at Z1 (conversational pace – 3 to 4 on the RPE scale)