Training This Week: January 11 to 17


  • The conditions are quite good for classic skiing at Goldbar (and SWC) despite no new snow and experiencing thaw/freeze cycles. The groomers have done an excellent job of grooming/renovating the existing snow and indeed making snow. As well, ENSC is committed to grooming more often in order to up the quality of our skiing experience!!
  • Transformed snow (snow that has undergone freeze/thaw cycles and is older) is abrasive and will tear off your grip wax very quickly unless you prep your skis in a certain way. You will also need to apply and use waxes best suited for abrasive snow. This is what is recommended:
    • Clean the wax pocket w/wax remover
    • Sandpaper the wax pocket (grip zone) with 100-120 grit paper (up and down the length of the wax pocket). Wipe off any residue
    • Apply a THIN layer of base klister or green klister. Heat in with an iron and cork smooth, removing any excess in the groove or hanging over the edges
    • Bring outside and let cool (20-30min)
    • Apply the “wax of the day” – the usual amount of layers 

Coming UP…

  • *REMINDER* – We will need to bring and wear masks/face coverings to training
  • Don’t forget to fill in the “COVID” Checklist!!
  • NEW* – COVID-19 influenced ski and trail etiquette and protocols 
  • Nordic Throwdown Sprint – January 2 to January 31 – Virtual Races at SWC
    • Register and ski the 2.5 SK Sprint self-timed event

This Week… 

  • Monday
    • Zoom Strength w/Carl starts up again
  • Tuesday – Regular Training at Goldbar
  • Thursday – Regular Training at Goldbar
  • Saturday
    • Goldbar Park

Monday January 11:

  • NO Zoom Strength this week – starts up again NEXT Monday

Tuesday January 12:

  • Who: All Programs 😀
  • Where: Goldbar Park (Meet outside the Pavilion)
  • Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
  • What: 
    • All Groups
    • Warm Up (5/5/5 and to include activation and mobility)
    • Sprints/accelerations
    • Intensity workout
    • Technique:
      • CLASSIC – but If in doubt, bring both sets of equipment. 
    • Bring: Face covering (mask or Buff) a drink belt, SKATE gear Some warm clothes for after!!

Wednesday January 13: 

  • Distance/Recovery Ski/Training Day
  • Ski/Run/Ride 1.5 to 2 hrs at Z1 depending on your Training Plan

Thursday January 14:

  • Who: Thursday Night Program
  • Where: Goldbar Park (Meet outside the Pavilion)
  • Time: 6:30 to 8:00 pm
  • What: 
    • Strength/Drills/Coordination Training
      • Strength on Skis:
      • Legs only
      • Upper Body Only
      • Uphill Double Poling
      • ETC.
    • Technique:
      • CLASSIC – but If in doubt, bring both sets of equipment. 
    • Bring: Face covering (mask or Buff) a drink belt, CLASSIC gear Some warm clothes for after!!

Friday January 15:

  • Active Rest Day
  • Complete rest – (NO training) or active/recovery training.
    • I.E.  go for a walk or light ski, but keep it very, very light.

Saturday January 16:

  • Who: All Programs 😀
  • Where: Goldbar Park (Meet outside the Pavilion)
  • Time: 10:00 am to 12 noon
  • What: 
    • All Groups
    • Coach Driven Training:
      • Warm Up (5/5/5 and to include activation and mobility)
      • Sprints/accelerations
      • Intensity workout
    • Technique:
      • Group Specific (check with your coach) – but If in doubt, bring both sets of equipment. 
    • Bring: Face covering (mask or Buff) a drink belt, SKATE or CLASSIC gear Some warm clothes for after!!

Saturday January 17:

  • Long slow Distance (LSD)
  • Consider going to SWC for a distance ski.