March 4 to 10

This Week…At a Glance

Week 25 of Fall/Winter Training! 

Very Much Winter Out There

We have great ski conditions this week. And we don’t know how long this will last, so we will do a “Personal Challenge Day” on Saturday. This can be skate or classic, you can go as fast or as slow as you want, and ski as far as you like, BUT challenge yourself. I know Anders will want to do 42 km!!

Let’s make it a Ski Day Celebration (Maybe one of the few days we have left!!). We encourage all to bring a lunch dish or dessert to share for afterwards. ENSC will provide Hot Chocolate and Gatorade. We are hoping to set up an Obstacle Course for all to try. It can be timed event or not. Just try to do a ski and see “where it takes you!”

More details closer to Saturday!!

Alberta Youth Championships (AYC)

Congratulations to Eva, Sarah, Davis, Ayla, Emalia, Davis, Timothy, Jonathan, Avery, Mathias, Solomon, and Connor who attended the AYC event at Bragg Creek this weekend!! Yes it was cold, and the racing formats had to be changed but (pardon the pun, the gang took it in stride! And the costumes for the Relay event!! Big Hit!!!! All skiers coaches and chaperones stayed at Camp Horizon and were able to mingle and make friends with skiers from other clubs. We were impressed with how the group gelled, and not least how everyone skied!! The future looks bright!! Unfortunately we were unable to defend the Coach’s Relay from last year since it was cancelled; and we had a stacked team!!!

Training Sites This Week: The following are our training sites:

    • Tuesday – Gold Bar Park
    • Thursday – Gold Bar
    • Saturday – Gold Bar Park

Important Dates Coming up…

    • Fun Ski Day at Gold Bar Park on Saturday March 9
    • National Championships – Nakkertok (Ottawa area) – March 7 to 17

This week:

Monday – Zoom Strength w/Carl

Tuesday – Gold Bar 

Wednesday – Middle to Long Distance Z1

Thursday – Strength and Technique on snow!! – Goldbar

Friday – Active Rest Day – Optional ski, indoor bike ride, or brisk walk

Saturday – Gold Bar

Sunday – Gold Bar Short to Medium bike, run, or ski (or a combination of these) Z1 

The Details:

Monday March 4: Online Strength

  • Pm – Zoom Strength W/Carl
    • Please register w/Carl to participate
    • Click HERE to contact Carl directly
    • When: 6:30 to 7:30 pm

Tuesday March 5: 

AM – Where:  (Nola or Wietske to confirm)

  • When: 10:00 am to 11:30 am
  • What: Week 25 Winter Session
    • Warm Up Routine (5-5-5 and 5) about 25 minutes
    • Workout:
      • Coach Lead
    • Skiing at Gold Bar or SWC??
  • Technique: Classic
  • Bring: CL ski equipment, Drink belt
    • Backpack for after the training:
  • PM – Where:  Gold Bar
  • What: Week 25 of Fall Season
  • Training Starts: 6:30 to 8:00 pm
    • Warm Up Routine.
    • Workout: Individual groups and Coach Lead 
    • Technique: CL Ski
    • YR’s – CLASSIC Skiing at GOLD Bar
      • CL Ski- Usual Warm-up
        • Include 10 x 10s Sprints w/50s Active Rest
      • Intensity w/a Technique Focus
        • Sprints and Fartlek
        • Technique work to reflect what we (talk to Ulf) feel needs to be worked on based on your recent races and/or training (very individual)
  • Bring:  
    • HEADLAMP to see where you are going!! We still need the headlamps!! The days are getting longer, BUT…
    • Drink belt (just in case)
      • Pack a Backpack with warm and dry clothes

Wednesday March 6: Medium to Long Day

  • Long Distance Ski or Bike Ride or Run
    • Up to 2 hours
    • Training Zone: 1 to 2
    • RPE: 3-5
    • Bring food and drink!

Thursday March 7:

AM – Where:  (Nola or Wietske to confirm)

  • When: 10:00 am to 11:30 am
  • What: Week 24 Winter Session
    • Warm Up Routine (5-5-5 and 5) about 25 minutes
    • Workout:
      • (Nola or Wietske to confirm)
  • Technique: CL or SK??
    • Ski at Gold Bar or SWC
  • Bring: Ski Equipment Drink belt
    • Backpack for after the training

PM – Who: 3 or 4 day Participants

  • Where:  Gold Bar
  • What: Strength and Technique on Skis 
  • When: 6:30 to 8:00 pm 
  • Work out: 
      • CLASSIC Ski
      • Technique Focus with emphasis on skiing on ONE ski, balance and being comfortable on the skis.

Friday March 8:

            • Active Rest Day
            • Walk, RS, run, or take the day off.

Saturday March 9: CHALLENGE Yourself – FUN SKI DAY at Gold Bar

  • Where:  Gold Bar
  • When: 10:00 to 12 noon
  • What: Week 25 of Fall Season
    • Warm Up Routine.
    • Workout: More Details to Come
    • Technique: SK or CL – You decide
      • Technique Work (Mostly) – always pick something to work on!
  • Bring:  SK or CL Ski stuff.

Sunday March 9:

“Looong Distance” (Bike, run, or, ski, or any combination thereof)

  • LSD Training – (Long “Speedy”, Distance)
    • “Speedy” means try to go fast but still stay in Zone 1/2. Ski, ride, or run efficiently and in control (keep a conversation going).
    • Up to 3.5 hours
  • Technique: You choose
  • Bring: 
    • Extra food and drink